

  • #TeamREV Spotlight: FTC #5026 Tesla Coils

    May 14th 2024

    #TeamREV Spotlight: FTC #5026 Tesla Coils

    #TeamREV is represented in Idaho by FTC Team #5026: Tesla Coils! Read on to learn more about this team, who you might recognize from the 2024 FIRST Championship!Tell us a little bit about your team’s…

  • Teacher Appreciation Week 2024: Mo Elhelw

    May 10th 2024

    Teacher Appreciation Week 2024: Mo Elhelw

    Our final Teacher Appreciation Week honoree for 2024 is Mr. Mo Elhelw (Mr. E), from West Newbury, Massachusetts! Mr. E mentors rookie FRC Team #9443: Aluminum Panthers. How has your nominee promoted S…

  • Teacher Appreciation Week 2024: Leslie Llamas

    May 9th 2024

    Teacher Appreciation Week 2024: Leslie Llamas

    Meet our next Teacher Appreciation Week honoree for 2024: Ms. Leslie Llamas from El Paso, Texas! Ms. Llamas mentors FTC Team #24726: LPI Lions, who just completed their rookie season. How has you…

  • Teacher Appreciation Week 2024: Ian McTavish

    May 6th 2024

    Teacher Appreciation Week 2024: Ian McTavish

    Our first Teacher Appreciation Week honoree for 2024 is Ian McTavish, from Huntsville, Ontario, Canada! Mr. McTavish mentors FRC Team #4152: Hoya Robotics. How has your nominee promoted STEM with…