#TeamREV Spotlight: FRC #2199 Robo-Lions

#TeamREV Spotlight: FRC #2199 Robo-Lions

Jun 25th 2024

Our next #TeamREV spotlight is FRC Team #2199: Robo-Lions! This team from Maryland has shared some exciting plans for their summer with our community.

Tell us a little bit about your team’s background.

Our team was founded back in 2007. Today we are proud to be the roaring lions in FRC. Our mission continues to be: bringing robotics to all. This season, our robot, named by the rookies, was called the Lord of the Rings.

What are a few achievements your team was proud of this season?

  • Won the Impact Award at one of our district events
  • 1st pick of 2nd Alliance at district event
  • Hosted 54 teams at our annual FLL qualifier: Roar of the Robots

What is your favorite part about being in #TeamREV?

Our team has enjoyed a connection with other #TeamREV teams, letting us gain insights and ideas from other teams. We have also loved the stickers!

What other plans does your team have this offseason?

Our team is going into the community for a variety of outreach events. We are also having training classes, preparing members for the 2025 season. Our biggest event, STEM summer camps, are just around the corner. At these camps, we reach dozens of kids in the community, exposing them to the wonders of STEM.

We look forward to hearing how your summer unfolds, Robo-Lions! Follow the team: