#TeamREV Spotlight: FRC #4400 Cerbotics

#TeamREV Spotlight: FRC #4400 Cerbotics

Jul 11th 2024

This week's #TeamREV spotlight brings us to Mexico. Read on to meet the members behind FIRST Global Team Mexico - FRC Team #4400: Cerbotics!

Tell us a little bit about your team’s background.

Our team is settled in the north of Mexico, in a not-so-big city called Torreón, Coahuila. Thirteen years ago, our school, Colegio Cervantes de Torreón, received the opportunity to be one of the FRC pioneers in our region. Since that day, with our slogan “Imagine & Build” in mind, we´ve been committed to involve more people in STEAM through FIRST's values. 

This season, we tried to relate our work with the theme of Back to the Future. We chose this because we discovered that 4400 days ago, our team was founded. Our robot was named “DeLorean”, like the time machine, our Impact Award interview, essay and video were based on a letter to 2012 Cerbotics, and we designed special edition uniforms, stickers and buttons.

We currently have 19 team members and 14 mentors to continue developing all of the work that the past Cerbotics generations have done. We are proud of what we have accomplished and what is next for us!

What are a few achievements your team was proud of this season?

Every season, we get to learn something new from the teams we meet, and the new members that join our team. This has led us to earn some important achievements, like reaching semifinals at FIRST Championship for the first time in our history, winning our 8th consecutive regional Impact Award, and being captains of a winning alliance this season. 

Something new that we started doing more this season was involving kids from our FTC teams in our FRC events. They got the opportunity to be an active part at regionals and even at FIRST Championship. With this, they can start soaking in more experiences and preview what they’ll be part of in a few years.

What is your favorite part about being in #TeamREV?

We´ve just joined the #TeamREV family this year, and the experience has been amazing. When we got to FIRST Championship, it was incredible to get to know most of the other teams that take part of this program, and some members of the REV Robotics team.

What plans does your team have this offseason?

We get to represent our country, Mexico, in the FIRST Global Challenge for the 5th time - this year, in Athens, Greece. Some weeks ago, our team competed in a qualifier along with some of the best teams from our country to represent Mexico at the FIRST Global Challenge, and we are proud to be winners. Since then, we've been meeting with teams all around the world, and preparing for this year’s challenge. In past years, we got the opportunity to travel to Dubai and Switzerland, and now, we’re really excited to see what this year's game will look like.

We can't wait to see you in Athens for the FIRST Global Challenge in a few short months, Cerbotics! Follow Cerbotics on these platforms: