#TeamREV Spotlight: FTC #252 Electric Quahogs

#TeamREV Spotlight: FTC #252 Electric Quahogs

May 28th 2024

Our #TeamREV spotlight of the week is FTC Team #252: Electric Quahogs. Read on for a recap of this Rhode Island team's CENTERSTAGE season!

Tell us a little bit about your team’s background.

Team 252, Electric Quahogs, was established in 2007. If you do not know, a Quahog is a type of clam that is native to our lovely state, Rhode Island.

Our beloved mascot, Stuffy, has been the face of our team since 2021. A plushie version of our mascot was hand sewn by our incredible coach's wife, and has been accompanying us to tournaments ever since. 

We currently have 12 members, ranging from 14 to 18 years old. Our team emphasizes the value of diversity of all types in STEM, which we promote through our Instagram account and during outreach events. We are very proud to say that we won the Rhode Island State Championships in 2022 and 2024.

What are a few achievements your team is proud of this season?

  • Our team is very proud of our immense growth in our technical skills, with this season's robot having over 80 custom parts. We can also use AprilTags to localize anywhere on the field. 
  • We are also incredibly proud of our continued impact with our outreach work. We have amassed over 1.1k followers on Instagram and committed over 130 volunteer hours.
  • Our team prepared for FIRST Championship in Houston by making advancements on our robot, as well as updating our portfolio. We could not wait to meet and play with/against many skilled FTC teams from all over the world!

What is your team enjoying within the #TeamREV Sponsorship Program?

We are enjoying the community in which we have been introduced and welcomed to. We have met many different Team REV members that have helped us augment our knowledge, and it has been very fun talking to them! We are very grateful for the connections Team REV has introduced us to.

Congrats on a great season, Electric Quahogs! :)